Monday, 4 March 2013

Summer Nights

Friday nights; usually teenagers are out trying to live their lives to fast, we all go through great experiences and horrible ones but sometimes we try to be more older than we are. Years from now you will regret it, since these years only occur once but the memories you make now will live with you forever, but it all depends on the people you share it with. For example one warm humid summer night, my friends and I went to a girls birthday party, it was a typical get together, people sat down talked, you know teenager stuff and it was quite the evening, but it all changed quite suddenly when one of our friends went out and got lost, nobody understood why he left, so we got in pairs and ran looking for him, some in bare foot, some gasping for air from running so much. Even with all that, it was just the beginning of the night, while my group of four friends reached some park, we had heard a family having a campfire and fireworks so instead of looking for our friend we stood and watched the fireworks. Sparks flew brightly across the sky, forming shapes and outlines of a star, everyone was amazed; no matter how many times you've seen fireworks being performed, you will still be amazed by them. So while we were watching the fireworks, a group of creepish looking guys, some of them were walking, some were on bikes; began to viciously yell for no apparent reason, us girls got scared and ran away. We ran all the way back to the girl's house, once we arrived we realized that the fair was there and we assumed it was still open, so from the girl's house we ran all the way to the fair. Once we got there we noticed that it was closed and a lot of clueless, drunk teenagers were just hanging around, so instead of socializing, we decided to go and get some pizza. Noticing none of us brought money we started to head back, and on our way back, we saw a girl we knew and began socializing, it was short and sweet. The walk back was quiet and boring, they made their way back to the girl's house and talked to friends until they got picked up.

1 comment:

  1. Tara, I like the photo. It compliments the blog. This piece takes us on a Friday night journey. Did you ever find your friend? Try to bring the reader in on the chaos.
